Create a New Polygon and Show Polygon Size in QGIS

Polygon is used to mark an area, for example, an area of ​​a State, City, Personal Property, and others.

Open your QGIS application. Press Ctrl + n to create a new file, click the Layer menu bar -> Create Layer -> New Shapefile Layer.

settings according to the following image. (Filename is up to you). Click Add to Field List to add a Wide column to the table. Then click OK.

To display the OpenStreetMap base map, in the Browser window, click the XYZ Tiles menu and click 2x OpenStreetMap to add it to the project layer. Make sure that the OpenStreetMap layer is under the polygon layer.

Right-click on the polygon layer, click Toggle Editing, on the menu bar the Active Add Add Polygon Feature menu will appear.

make a polygon. to end the polygon point right-click.
in the Feature Attribute fill in Id (1) and Wide (do not fill), then click OK

Right-click on the polygon layer and click Open Attribute Table. Click on the Wide column then click the Open field calculator menu. Setting select the Wide column and use the $ area function click 2x. then click OK.

Press Crtl + s to save. close the Attribute Table window. Right-click on the polygon layer -> Properties -> Labels, select Single labels, Label with (Wide). Click OK.
Ctrl + s then right-click on the polygon layer click Toggle Editing to close the edit session.
(323 Square Meters Polygon)

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Make a Contour Map in Quantum GIS (QGIS)
Cara mengubah file kml ke shp (kml to shp)
