Make a Contour Map in Quantum GIS (QGIS)

Contour maps are one of the main components in making geographic condition maps, with contour data and contour lines of information being conveyed more quickly than seeing without numeric information, and here is how to make a contour map in Quantum GIS (QGIS).

Contour Map in QGIS

As an opening, why did I choose QGIS? Because it's free (open-source software) 😁.
What needs to be prepared is:
  1. Location;
  2. Google Earth (Desktop);
  3. TCX Converter (free and can be downloaded).
Open your Google Earth application. Determine the location to be contoured, randomly create a new path until it fills that area.

Right-click on the layer and select Save Place As. -> Select file type (.kml)

Open the TCX Converter application. Then click the Open File button and select the previous .kml file. data will appear ALT is still worth 0, click on the Track Modify menu bar then click the Update Altitude button. seen in the altitude column is experiencing an error, to overcome it we can convert from the website open the website and click the CONVERT A FILE menu, then select the output format (GPX), Choose Files (file.kml), at the bottom of the Add DEM elevation data (best available source), click the Convert button.

After the results come out click on the link provided.

Back to your TCX Converter, open the .GPX file that was downloaded. seen the altitude column has been filled, click the Save CSV File button. Select No in the separator question.

open the .csv file that has been converted, delete unnecessary columns. Save your .csv file.

Open your QGIS, New Project -> Layer - Add Layer -> Add Delimited Text Layer, in the file name retrieve your .csv file, X is Longitude and Y is Latitude, click Add and Close

Click the Processing menu bar -> Toolbox -> In the Toolbox search field type Natural neighbor and click. Point settings according to the active layer, Attribute (ALT), Method (Sibson), Output extent (Use Canvas Extent), Cellzise (0.000500), Grid (Save to file in .sdat form). Click Run.

Right-click Properties on the Grid layer, click the Symbology menu for Band Rendering settings. Click OK. Then click the Raster menu bar -> Extraction -> Contour, its parameter settings, in the Countour column -> Save to File in format (.shp). Click Run.

Right-click Properties on the Contours layer and set the label select Single labels, Label with (ELEV), Size (7.0000). Click OK.
